Chair of the IEA TCP
TESG Gerencia Centro Tecnico de DESARROLLO
Vicepresidencia Upstream
Principal Reservoir Engineer
Energy Resources Division
Department of the Premier and Cabinet
Level 6, 101 Grenfell Street
Adelaide, SA 5000
Mail: GPO Box 320, Adelaide SA 5001
DX541, Australia
Dominic Pepicelli is a Principal Reservoir Engineer within the Energy Resources Division of the Department for Energy and Mining, where he has worked since 2010. His duties include the regulation of the upstream petroleum, geothermal, gas storage and hydrogen sectors in South Australia. Dominic has a Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering with First Class Honours from the University of Adelaide. In addition to representing Australia on the IEA EOR TCP Executive Committee, Dominic is Chair of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Global Technical Section for CCUS and also contributes to the development of international standards for CCUS as a member of ISO Technical Committee 265.
Chief Scientist for Reservoir Engineering, EP-Petroleum Engineering
OMV Exploration & Production GmbH
Trabrennstr 6-8
1020 Vienna, Austria
Dr. Torsten Clemens is a Senior Reservoir Engineering Adviser with OMV Energy. He used to work in Shell on EOR projects and fractured reservoirs and joined OMV in 2005. In OMV, he is covering EOR/IOR, underground hydrogen storage, geothermal energy, and uncertainty management. Torsten published more than 100 technical papers, chaired the SPE EUROPEC conference, is a member of various conference committees (SPE, EAGE, WPC), technical editor of several journals and was chairing the IEA EOR Technology Collaboration Programme 2011-2020. He was SPE Distinguished Lecturer 2018/2019 and 2023/2024, is SPE Distinguished Member and SPE IOR Pioneer.
Chief Operating Officer
Petroleum Technology Research Centre
6 Research Drive
Regina Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 7J7
Erik Nickel graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a degree in Geology in 1994 and obtained his Master of Science in geology from the University of Regina in 2008. After a 5-year tour as a wellsite geological consultant, Erik spent 15 years as a research geologist with the petroleum geology branch of the Saskatchewan Geological Survey. His research interests, while there, were primarily in the Mississippian carbonates of southeast Saskatchewan, performing some of the original Midale reservoir characterization for PTRC’s Weyburn project starting in 2001. Erik also studied many other aspects of Saskatchewan’s petroleum and natural gas resources, most notably an extensive body of work on the geology of Bakken tight oil reservoirs. Erik joined the PTRC in 2014 and is primarily responsible for the management and delivery of enhanced oil recovery research programs, including STEPS and HORNET, as well as managing the Centre’s carbon capture and storage project (Aquistore).
Director of IVC-SEP
Department of Chemical Engineering
Technical University Of Denmark
DK-2800 KGS, Lyngby, Denmark
Dr. Wei Yan is an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry, the Technical University of Denmark. His research area is thermodynamics and high-pressure phase behavior, with applications to industrial processes like CCS, hydrogen storage, and petroleum production. His research attempts to cover measurement, modeling, and simulation in an integrated manner. He is currently the executive editor for Journal of Gas Science and Engineering.
Research Engineer, Chemical EOR Project Leader,
IFP Energies nouvelles – Geosciences Division
1 avenue de Bois-Preau
92852 Rueil-Malmmaison Cedux,
Dr. Rousseau is Technical Advisor for Chemical EOR methods at IFP Energies nouvelles. His current activities (for IFP Energies nouvelles and the EOR Alliance):
Director, Subsurface Division of Hydrogen and CCS
Project Department
Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
1-2-2 Hamada, Mihama-ku, Chiba-city,
Chiba 261-0025 Japan
Takashi Akai is the director of the Subsurface Division of Hydrogen and CCS Project Department in Japan Organization for Metals and Energy Security (JOGMEC). He has 15 years of experience in JOGMEC as a reservoir engineer. He received his Ph degree in Earth Science and Engineering from Imperial College London in 2020. His current role is to promote an energy transition to a carbon-neutral society using subsurface related GHG reduction solutions such as CCS and CCUS. His team is currently dealing with several emerging CCS and CCUS projects in collaboration with Japanese companies.
Reservoir Engineer / Team Leader Reservoir Technology / Team Leader EOR
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
P.O. Box 600, N-4001
Stavanger, Norway
Sølvi Sjøgren Amundrud is a graduated reservoir engineer from the University of Trondheim, Norway. After five years working offshore and onshore for Baker Hughes companies, she started working for the Norwegian petroleum directorate in 2002. After four years in Petoro (2014-2018) Sølvi returned to the NPD, now with the new name: Norwegian offshore directorate. Her main focus for many years lies within producing fields and IOR/EOR on the field scale.
Senior Reservoir Engineer / Project lead
Gas projects department
Gazpromneft Science&Technology Centre LLC
Russia, 190000, Saint-Petersburg, Moyka River Embankment, 75-79 buil.,D
Biography forthcoming.
Senior Reservoir Engineer – EOR Specialist
Oil and Gas Authority
Coordination Team
16 Smith Square
London SW1P 3HQ
United Kingdom
Dr. Ghahri has more than 21 years of profession experience in both international and national oil & gas companies, and currently works for the UK Government as an EOR specialist for the OIl and Gas Authority.
Senior Management Technical Advisor
United States Department of Energy – Office of Fossil Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Strategic Center for Natural Gas and Oil
13131 Dairy Ashford, Suite 225
Sugarland, Texas 77478
Biography forthcoming.
Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Engineering
Hanyang University
Seoul 133-791
Dr. Kun Sang Lee is currently a Professor at Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea and an Honorary Professor at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia. He graduated with BS and MS in Mineral and Petroleum Engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea. He completed his PhD in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystem Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, U.S.A.
Dr. Lee has published more than 21 books, 13 book chapters, and 150 peer-reviewed journal papers and participated in several industrial projects on enhanced oil recovery, unconventional reservoirs, and environmental applications including CCS. He was an Editor-in-Chief, Geosystem Engineering and is an Editor, Petroleum Research and an Associate Editor, International J. of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology.
Geoscience Manager
PDVSA-Petroindependencia, Faja Petrolifera del Orinoco
Centro Empresarial BANVEZ
Piso 6. CHUAO, 1061
Caracas, Venezuela
Biography forthcoming
Vice President
CNPC Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development
20 Xueyuan Road
Beijing 100083
National Hydrocarbon Commission
Insurgentes Sur 1228
Mexico D.F. 03200
Reservoir Engineering Dept. Manager
Subiceva 29
10000 Zagreb , Croatia
Biography forthcoming.
Head of Operative Reservoir Management
MOL Group
MOL Plc., H-6701 Szeged, Pf.: 37.
Bio forthcoming